Birch Corner Associates
Coaching leaders, nonprofit boards and individuals to
align their purpose, passion, and performance.

Partners in life and work, we are experienced professionals whose combined portfolios include: executive leadership of nonprofit and educational organizations, corporate HR administration, experiential education, family therapy, executive and life coaching and small business ownership.
We have devoted many years to helping young people and adults develop character and leadership through residential camping programs, college chaplaincies, Outward Bound, AmeriCorps and equine and gestalt coaching certification programs.
We have been competitive athletes who know the meaning of training for peak performance. We also follow our own advice as coaches, assessing where we are, setting goals, taking risks, committing to action, evaluating outcomes and, where indicated, making adjustments.
We are proud parents of four children and grandparents of a spirited granddaughter.
We are living our dreams and want to help you live yours.

Looking for an ally and guide who knows how to listen?
Whose questions open you to more fully engage your truth?
Who helps you create your own path going forward?
Who holds you accountable for achieving results?
What We Deliver
Life Coaching
If you are at a crossroads in life, work or relationships, we partner with you to reclaim your north star, replace limiting beliefs, and regain direction, momentum and balance.
Leadership Coaching
If you are an educational leader, or serve on a management team or non-profit board, we help you achieve new levels of performance by increasing effectiveness and efficiency.
Strategic Facilitation
Facilitating your team's meetings / retreats, we guide the processes of strategic planning, conduct nonprofit board assessments and develop board governance capacity.
Some Clients We Have Served
Assoc for Challenge Course Technology (CO)
Assoc for Experiential Education (CO)
Dartmouth College (NH)
Endowment for Health (NH)
Geneva Point Center (NH)
Green Mountain Conservation Group (NH)
Kimball Union Academy (NH)
Kirby Creative Clinical Solutions (VA)
Loon Preservation Committee (NH)
Mt. Holyoke College (MA)
OnPoint Sports Strategies (FL)
Outward Bound (FL)
Proctor Academy (NH)
Project Adventure (MA)
Project Horse (VA)
Sandwich Children's Center (NH)
Sant Bani School (NH)
Soulful Prairies (IL)
Squam Lakes Conservation Society (NH)
The Nature Conservancy (NH) and (VT)
The Sports Facilities Companies (FL)
Touched By A Horse (CO)
Unbridled Retreats (CO)
White Men As Full Diversity Partners (WA)